Best whiteboard software for teaching
Best whiteboard software for teaching


It also means you can base your mathematics on real data sets.

best whiteboard software for teaching

Mathematics extensively uses data sets for higher math problems and the ability to import and export this data means you don’t have to recreate it in the whiteboard. The Autosave feature means the whiteboard is saved periodically so that you do not lose your work and have one less thing to worry about. When you are teaching a class, you are juggling heaps of things and even more so in an online class where there is also technology to deal with.


Rather than having to click on a button and go searching for a file on your computer using a windows file browser, it is so much simpler to be able to drag and drop directly onto your whiteboard.


You can demo software packages and show students how to complete any task on their own computer with your computer. The ability to share your whole screen in a Web Conference style way means that you can show students absolutely anything you can see on your own computer. The use of video chat means the teacher can read the student’s body language for the same reasons. The ability to hear the tone and inflection of the student’s voice will let the teacher know if the student really understood. The use of Audio and Video chat means that the nonverbal communication that normally is available in the classroom can come across to the online teaching environment. It also allows the teacher to share related links to content. The ability of a student to chat using a shared chat means the students can ask questions while the teacher is presenting their new topic or subject. BitPaper has a lot of useful features and an intuitive user interface for both the teacher and the students. This is one of the most popular whiteboards for teaching on the internet right now. You can find the complete subscription plans list at.

best whiteboard software for teaching


This means you can materialize complex equations and math problems, without having to upload a PDF to use as a background or as an attachment for students. Scribblar also offers a wide variety of shapes that can be drawn on the whiteboard.

best whiteboard software for teaching

After the students solve the equation the teacher can check the whole method used by the student to solve the problem. Because of this feature math teachers can assign equations to each student or group of students. This way, you can assign students to work on separate tasks without being able to copy from one another. Next, the teacher can restrict certain users’ privileges when it comes to editing or visualizing the whiteboard content. There is no need to delete previous work to write something else instead. The amount of space that can be used on the online whiteboard is unlimited. Scribblar includes many useful features for teachers to use. One teacher can tutor multiple students at once and conduct group classes as if students were in a physical classroom. The whiteboard supports a wide variety of file formats. Not only can the teacher draw and manage the whiteboard but so can the students. This online whiteboard allows multiple users to take part actively in the class. One of the most important perks of Scribbler is it not limiting its users to attending one-to-one classes. This is a very important feature when it comes to online teaching. Having an integrated voice chat and text function, it allows both the students and the teacher to speak directly using their laptop’s microphone. Multiple users working on the same project.Scribblar is an extremely useful tool for teachers regardless of their subject (mathematics, physics, economics, etc.). It provides a real-time whiteboard with multiple uses and an advanced yet user-friendly interface. Scribblar is one of the most popular online software solutions that feature an integrated whiteboard. Now that you know the ways you can use online whiteboards let’s dig into them a little deeper and compare their features so you can make an informed choice. However, the seven best online whiteboard apps are:

best whiteboard software for teaching

Which are the seven best online whiteboards for teaching math? There are multiple online software solutions that aid the educational process when it comes to mathematics. This article will introduce you to the online whiteboards available and rate them for use with Mathematics. When teaching Maths online one of the most useful tools you can have is just like in the physical classroom, a whiteboard.

Best whiteboard software for teaching